Iceberg Near Hornsund, 2025, Watercolor, 22 x 30 inches
Iceberg Near Hornsund, 2025, Watercolor, 22 x 30 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs N 79º 33' E 12º 35, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs N 79º 38' E 11º 32, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs, , N 79º 32' E 12º 36’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs, N 79º 32' E 12º 35’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs, N 79º 32' E 12º 28’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs N 78º 34’ E 12º 17’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs, N 79º 32’ E 12º 27’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Ghosts of Icebergs, N 79º 32’ E 12º 27’, Watercolor, 11 x 14 inches

Iceberg near Monacobreen, 11 x 14 inches

Iceberg near Svitjodbreen, 11 x 14 inches

Iceberg near Dahlbreen, 11 x 14 inches

Iceberg From a Dream, 11 x 14 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches

Watercolor, 7 x 10 inches